Eureka DOOM Editor

Eureka is a map editor for the classic DOOM games, and a few related games such as Heretic, Hexen and Strife. It supports Linux, Windows and macOS.

See the About page for more information and screenshots

The current version is 2.0.2 -- grab it on the Release page on GitHub.



09-Jul-2024 : Eureka 2.0.2 Released

Yet another patch release, which solves some crash issues and one glitch. It is available to download on GitHub.

07-Jul-2024 : Eureka 2.0.1 Released

Updated Eureka to fix bugs and issues observed after the 2.0.0 release. It is available to download on GitHub.

04-Jul-2024 : Eureka 2.0.0 Released

New version of the Eureka editor released. It is available to download on GitHub.

For Linux, the project can be built from source using CMake.

28-Apr-2020 : New Leadership

I want to make it clear I (Andrew Apted) am no longer working on Eureka, and I am walking away from it. Thanks to everybody for their support and contributions!

The good news is that printz (Ioan Chera) is taking over as the lead developer. I wish him lots of good fortune and happy coding!

06-Feb-2020 : Eureka 1.27 Released

Changes in 1.27 are here: Changes127

UPDATE Apr 2020: a patch release, 1.27b, is now available which fixes a crash bug.

05-Aug-2018 : Eureka 1.24 Released

This release is primarily about fixing bugs (especially the ones which cause a crash), optimising code, improving configs and general polishing. That said, it does include a couple nice new features!

See all changes here: Changes124

P.S. the MacOS X package is available now. We apologize for the delay.

16-May-2018 : Eureka now has a Manual

I'm delighted to announce that Eureka now has a proper user manual, including numerous tutorials for specific tasks like creating doors, stairs, sky areas, etc.... You can read it here: User Manual.

Huge thanks goes to Wesley Werner for writing it.

12-Jan-2017 : Eureka 1.21 Released

The highlights of this release are:

  • improved BSP code, can build nodes just for current map
  • a "Test Map" command for testing your map in the game
  • mouse buttons (and wheel) use the key binding system
  • line drawing now done with RMB (MOUSE3) button
  • an operation menu, bound to F1 key or CTRL-RMB
  • a ZDoom definition file (thanks to Slade3)
  • smooth navigation in 2D and 3D views
  • select/copy/paste textures in the 3D view

And much much more! see all the changes here: Changes121

26-Jan-2016 : Version 1.11 released

A new version of Eureka has just been released.

Major changes in v1.11 include:

  • Hexen support!
  • Boom generalized lines and sectors
  • Eternity port definition, thanks to printz
  • treat Freedoom Phase 1 and Phase 2 as separate games
  • rendering of sector flats or lighting in the 2D window
  • an easier vertex "drawing mode" using the LMB
  • fixed texture warping in 3D preview

Plus much more, see the full list of changes here: Changes111

BTW, the SVN repository has been transferred into a GIT repository.

18-Feb-2015 : New version 1.07 now available

I have just released version 1.07 of Eureka.

Windows users should note that there is no longer an installer, you can just download the win32 binary package, unzip it somewhere and run the Eureka executable (making a link in the Start menu should work too). For Linux users, there is no longer a pre-built binary, you will need to either build from source, or run the Windows package in Wine.

Major changes in this release:

  • full-featured Find and Replace
  • new RECENT category for the browser
  • Rename Map and Delete Map commands in File menu
  • improvements to key binding system
  • vertex reshaping commands (180 degree arc, etc...)
  • reworked Default Properties panel
  • option for smaller textures in the browser

Plus numerous other enhancements and bug fixes. See here for all the changes: Changes107

Jan-2015 : Eureka packaged for Debian

It was remiss of me to not make a news post about this earlier (much, much earlier...), but thanks to Fabian Greffrath there is now an official Debian package for Eureka!

It is a real honor for me to have my software become part of Debian. Thanks again Fabian.

25-Aug-2013 : Version 1.00 Released!

Version 1.00 of Eureka is now available for download. There have been a lot of changes in this release and numerous bugs fixed, as well some new features. The most significant changes are:

  • extensive map-checking functions
  • validate map data when loading a level
  • texture alignment commands for 3D view
  • splitting void islands now works as expected
  • improved grid, with configurable colors
  • scroll-bars for the map view (optional)

The full list of changes is here: Changes100

Thanks again to printz for creating the MacOS X package.

Now that this release is out, I plan to stop coding for a while and work primarily on the sorely-lacking documentation for Eureka. I hope you enjoy this release.

27-Jun-2013 : Site Redesign

For the last week or two I have been working on improving the look of this website, especially to incorporate an awesome logo which Jason R Johnston sent to me earlier this year. Many thanks Jason!

24-Feb-2013 : Eureka 0.95 Released

I'm excited to announce that Eureka is now available for Windows! You can find an installer on the download page. The installer is very bare-bones at the moment, since I'm still climbing that learning curve, but it will add Eureka as a program to the Start menu. So far it has been tested on Windows XP and Windows Vista, it should work on Windows 7 too, but I don't know whether Windows 95 or 98 are going to work (reports welcome, as always).

Other improvements include:

  • Preferences dialog
  • Key binding system, with GUI in preferences
  • Automatically back-up edited wads (multiple times)
  • Status area on info bar -- replaces map name
  • Prune command for removing unused sectors, sidedefs and vertices
  • Log viewer

Plus several bug fixes. The complete list of changes is here: Changes095

27-Dec-2012 : Update to the 0.88 version

Eureka 0.88c is a small update to the 0.88 release, which mainly fixes a few bugs, but it also adds a new port definition. The changes are:

  • support for Doom Legacy, thanks to Wesley Johnson
  • fixed the slime trails in the 3D view
  • fixed bug in 'Manage Wads' dialog resetting the port to 'boom'
  • fixed a compile problem on 64-bit machines

I have also made a Debian package for i386 architecture (32-bit machines). This is designed for the Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" distribution, but hopefully will work on other OSes too (Ubuntu, Arch, Mint, etc...). This is the first time I have made a debian package, and I welcome reports on whether or not it worked OK on your system.

23-Dec-2012 : Eureka 0.88 Released

Just in time for Chrissy, here is another Eureka!
Main changes in version 0.88 are:

  • large overhaul of file handling:
    • 'Manage Wads' dialog allows setting the IWAD, port and resource wads
    • 'Open Map' dialog, with buttons for easy map selection
    • 'Recent Files' dialog (CTRL-R or File menu)
    • the iwad/port/resource settings are saved in the PWAD
    • better 'Export Map' dialog
    • IWADs found by the user are remembered
  • new Default Properties panel (shown in vertex mode)
  • implemented picture mode for Thing browser
  • new Move/Scale/Rotate dialogs (via Edit menu)
  • HACX support (not quite finished, but usable)

Plus numerous smaller features and a few bug fixes too. The full list of changes can be found here: Changes088

01-Dec-2012 : MacOS X port!

I'm really stoked to announce that, thanks to printz, there is now a MacOS X port of Eureka! It features a very nifty setup dialog for selecting the IWAD, the wad and map to edit, any resource wads, and the port (engine). You can even control various editor settings there.

This is available from the Download page.

27-Nov-2012 : Eureka 0.84 Released

This release is dedicated to Dragonsbrethren (from the DW forums), who provided some really helpful feedback. Many of the improvements in the release are a response to those comments. I'm grateful for all the other feedback too :)

Summary of the main changes:

  • multi-select : LMB toggles each object (no need for CTRL key)
  • more intuitive use of the Texture browser
  • implemented a -merge option for resource wads
  • reload the wad/map after building the nodes (no longer exit)
  • plain MMB now inserts an object (like SPACE or INSERT key)
  • thing panel has radial arrow buttons for setting the angle
  • allow running locally (without a 'make install')

All the changes are listed here: Changes084

16-Nov-2012 : Eureka 0.81 Released

This marks the first official release of Eureka (not counting some testing packages made available on the DoomWorld forums).

The main changes since 0.74 are:

  • support a proper Unix-style installation
  • made a proper project and website (thanks to SourceForge)
  • a command to build nodes (via glBSP) and quit
  • the texture browser can be resized at the edge
  • in sectors mode, SPACE key now subsumes the "correct sector" function
  • better iwad handling, can place them in ~/.eureka/iwads

The full list of changes can be found here: Changes081